Our Special Guests

Mary Audrey was pastor of Equipping Ministries and Women in Ministry at Catch The Fire Toronto (formally Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship) for over 20 years.

She is an exhorter and teacher. She has ministered God’s heart of renewal in North America, the Caribbean, Asia, Australia, Europe, South Africa, and the United Kingdom.

Gifted & anointed in encouraging believers on such topics as Who you are in Christ; the Gifts of the Spirit; Breaking Hindering Yokes; The Wonder of Covenant; The Mystery of Marriage, The Caleb Company and a variety of other themes designed to bring people into walking in the Spirit with wholeness and fruitfulness.

Her desire is to see Christians realize their potential in the Lord, and step out in faith to find their place in the body of Christ.

She is also the Author of teaching manuals and two books, “Releasers of Life – Discover the River Within” and “Once Upon a Revival - a Subjective Look at the Toronto Blessing”

Rev. Mary Audrey’s anointing, joy and prophetic giftings are contagious!

Craig Docksteader began his ministry as a pastor before God hijacked all his plans and launched him into an incredible adventure in the public square functioning as markertplace apostle. For more than four decades, Craig has served in pastoral ministry, public policy advocacy organizations, and as a political staffer on Parliament Hill. This journey has yielded invaluable insights into understanding the church’s opportunity to impact our nation, captured in his recently released book, "To Shift a Nation: How the body of Christ can effectively promote change in Canada".

Be ready to take notes as Craig shares with us Gods wisdom on how to shift your nation.

Donna (Peterson) Holbrook

Donna builds bridges of: understanding, cooperation and partnerships between ICEJ ,  the Jews as well as the  Christian communities here and abroad.

Donna is a history Maker by keeping history alive!!!!

Since there are very few holocaust survivors left to tell their story, Donna  is passionate about  educating people about the Holocaust..  She partners with Yad Vashem Jerusalem [Christian Friends of Yad Vashem]. For example, ICEJ Canada produced “The Covenant: The Story of My People -  for network broadcast, and DVD sales.  It was staged and recorded live in Toronto & across Canada. Available in HD and 5.1 digital surround sound subtitled in 12 languages including Hebrew, Russian and Mandarin.

Notably, Donna focuses on how important it is to  understand the complexities of Israel because it is the only democracy, within the Middle East.

 Her heart is to provide excellent first hand experiences that include educational and interfaith concerns in that great nation as well as  here in Canada .  This includes Specialties: Israel Tours/Conferences for Pastors/Christians & Hands-On Experiences Young Adults 18 - 30.

Jordan Taylor is the National Director of Transform Our World Canada and the Founder of the Kingdom Builders Network. He has previous experience as a lead pastor, business owner, athlete, and missionary. His passion is seeing people experience God and from that place going out and being change agents in this world. Originally from New Zealand, he now lives in Smithville, Ontario with his wife Keltie, and three kids.

As a worship leader, psalmist, teacher, mother and friend, Kathryn's driving passion is that we would come to behold, passionately love, and conform to the Man Christ Jesus above all. Coming from London, Ontario, Canada, she carries a clear message of consecration, intimacy and purity, and the promise of Isaiah 61 to shattered hearts. The focus of her songs, teaching and her life, is that Jesus is coming for a ready Bride.

Rev. Heather was Called by God to Ignite, Equip, Impart and Mobilize the saints in the ministry of Jesus love, power, character, signs and wonders; to engage them in corporate outreaches beginning 30 years ago. She has had the honor of ministering in churches threw out Canada , U.S.A., Peru, Ecuador, Venezuela, India, Africa, Martinque, Dominican Republic.

In Addition, Rev. Heather has been ministering the power of God in the most unusual places: new age shows, universities, malls, retail galas, long term care facilities, illegal massage parlors and strip clubs, witches gatherings, fall fairs, etc. Her experience led her to author training manuals and workshops.

You are the link between heaven and earth!

Her heart is to see the body of Christ step into their destiny as sons and daughter of the most High God and manifest His kingdom of joy, peace and righteousness.  As ambassadors  to release:  Jesus power found in Isaiah 11. His love found in Ephesians 3:18-19  and His character found in Romans 11:33.

For 8 years she oversaw IHAR Healing Rooms in Ontario, training and birthing healing rooms. For 10 years her love for the youth was released in her weekly signs & wonders club Living Out Loud at 2 university campuses.

Her heart is to see the body of Christ step into their destiny as sons and daughter of the most High God and manifest His kingdom in Jesus power found in Isaiah 11. His love found in Ephesians and His character found in

Get ready to experience the love& power of God in a fresh new way as Rev. Heather ministers outside the box.